stdClass Object
    [id] => 244
    [uuid] => 5014d178-931c-4253-9baa-4107e8af65ac
    [title] => HVAC-B Duct Sizing Calculations
    [slug] => hvac-b-duct-sizing-calculations
    [description] => 

So far in this series on Duct and System Design we have discussed heat transfer, duct leaks, and heat load calculations. With an understanding of the system and the data collected we are able to properly design a system. Part of this design is calculating duct size. This is done using the metric of CFM. CFM is simply cubic feet per minute.  So how does this all tie together?

In this CTE video, Robert explains how to use a duct wheel to calculate the proper duct size for a given system.

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            [name] => HVAC-B Duct Sizing Calculations
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