stdClass Object
    [id] => 30
    [uuid] => 8f3eda2e-25df-45df-ad25-7a96d18c72a8
    [title] => IND-PTC - Introduction to Compressors
    [slug] => introduction-to-compressors
    [description] => 

Compression of gases and vapors in the process industry are necessary in many applications. Compression is used as a means to decrease the volume of a gas or vapor while increasing the amount of pressure. Compressors operate similar to pumps but pumps are used to transport liquid rather than compress. The purpose of this video is to give a basic understanding of compressors. We will explain their uses, different types, and the basic operation of each.

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            [price] => 2.99
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            [name] => IND-PTC - Introduction to Compressors
            [url] => /products/product/introduction-to-compressors
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