stdClass Object
    [id] => 232
    [uuid] => dd1ce212-61a2-48d8-8ae2-f34dd0865831
    [title] => HVAC-B AC Filters
    [slug] => hvac-b-ac-filters
    [description] => 

Will you filter pass the salt Test?
Many complaints from customers revolve around dust in the home. This usually is the result of a duct system leak. That's not always the case though. Poor air filters can also be at fault.  A lot of times people will just buy the cheapest filter they can find not understanding the consequences.

[photo_main] => d26b9d6586808ab44e87baa36a2d885b.jpg [ordering] => 5 [price] => 2.99 [file_id] => IEC00201 [vm_embed_code] => 198420590 [yt_embed_code] => Eqd_WNB2nhg [created] => 2017-03-15 16:28:45 [deleted] => 0 )

    [cc6b0829cac81aa6a3a2f7a533f407eb] => Array
            [rowid] => cc6b0829cac81aa6a3a2f7a533f407eb
            [id] => dd1ce212-61a2-48d8-8ae2-f34dd0865831
            [qty] => 1
            [price] => 2.99
            [product_type_id] => 1
            [name] => HVAC-B AC Filters
            [url] => /products/product/hvac-b-ac-filters
            [thumbnail] =>
            [subtotal] => 2.99
