stdClass Object
    [id] => 260
    [uuid] => 1bb28348-cad9-4588-b23e-d5174b68f3d8
    [title] => HVAC-B Dampers
    [slug] => hvac-b-dampers
    [description] => 

A damper is something that has a depressing, subduing, or inhibiting effect. In other words, a device that holds something back. A damper in an HVAC system has a specific purpose, especially in a zone system. A zone system is one where you can have multiple thermostats in one system that is able to control the air flow in one area or the other.  They way a damper fits into to this is by cutting into a duct and inserting it in order to control the air flow.

In this video Robert is discussing an opposed blade damper as a high end device to control air flow in zone system.

[photo_main] => 41f4c5dc26be268261f755e448c97090.jpg [ordering] => 35 [price] => 2.99 [file_id] => IEC00229 [vm_embed_code] => 204939221 [yt_embed_code] => Eqd_WNB2nhg [created] => 2017-03-17 19:33:49 [deleted] => 0 )

    [1606aefc25ce4a8eec5bf8cfb9fe6bb0] => Array
            [rowid] => 1606aefc25ce4a8eec5bf8cfb9fe6bb0
            [id] => 1bb28348-cad9-4588-b23e-d5174b68f3d8
            [qty] => 1
            [price] => 2.99
            [product_type_id] => 1
            [name] => HVAC-B Dampers
            [url] => /products/product/hvac-b-dampers
            [thumbnail] =>
            [subtotal] => 2.99
