stdClass Object
    [id] => 95
    [uuid] => 22d1a81c-efe2-4ca1-86df-134adfc9a4d1
    [title] => HVAC-P A/C Compressors
    [slug] => a-c-compressors
    [description] => 

Identifying and testing AC compressors.

With your Subscription to’s HVAC  training video library you have access to your videos 24/7 anywhere you have internet  access. If you would like to see a content added, contact CTE Skills.
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            [price] => 2.99
            [product_type_id] => 1
            [name] => HVAC-P A/C Compressors
            [url] => /products/product/a-c-compressors
            [thumbnail] =>
            [subtotal] => 2.99
