stdClass Object
    [id] => 258
    [uuid] => c4d4b50d-2a9a-4485-9831-598ac45bed2b
    [title] => HVAC-B Heat Strips
    [slug] => hvac-b-heat-strips
    [description] => 

A heat strip is an electric resistance heater that is used in many applications of air handlers or heat pumps. Just like a space heater, the basic operation of this device is to push electrical current through coils which in turn begin to heat up.

In this CTE video on heat strips you'll learn the major components, how they operate and the many different specifications they can run under.

[photo_main] => 28b9d9fde24a4148a2577c4474a3cf1b.jpg [ordering] => 33 [price] => 2.99 [file_id] => IEC00227 [vm_embed_code] => 204934541 [yt_embed_code] => Eqd_WNB2nhg [created] => 2017-03-17 19:27:06 [deleted] => 0 )

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            [id] => c4d4b50d-2a9a-4485-9831-598ac45bed2b
            [qty] => 1
            [price] => 2.99
            [product_type_id] => 1
            [name] => HVAC-B Heat Strips
            [url] => /products/product/hvac-b-heat-strips
            [thumbnail] =>
            [subtotal] => 2.99
