stdClass Object
    [id] => 17
    [uuid] => d5025195-9b8e-424d-9e75-f4a933106bcf
    [title] => HST-AP Mapping the Body Pt. 2
    [slug] => hst-mapping-the-body-pt.-2
    [description] => 

Mapping of the body is extremely important to anyone in the Health Sciences or medical fields. Whether you are a nurse aide or a surgeon, you need to understand the body in order to care for a patient properly. Views, body planes and directional terms will be the first of two videos in this Mapping the Body series. In part 2 we will cover the Body Cavities, Quadrants and regions.

[photo_main] => 629dbf7d9001243584f293b7a5d2e375.png [ordering] => 0 [price] => 2.99 [file_id] => IEC00154 [vm_embed_code] => 95902171 [yt_embed_code] => 2F73ywFCrPw [created] => 2015-01-22 16:02:58 [deleted] => 0 )

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            [id] => d5025195-9b8e-424d-9e75-f4a933106bcf
            [qty] => 1
            [price] => 2.99
            [product_type_id] => 1
            [name] => HST-AP Mapping the Body Pt. 2
            [url] => /products/product/hst-mapping-the-body-pt.-2
            [thumbnail] =>
            [subtotal] => 2.99
